DIM Things Premiere – Dead Tooth “Reoccurring Nightmares”

The world right now feels a little unreal, like a dream, or maybe, a bit like a nightmare. There is no end in sight, and in a way we are all stuck in place. Whether you can run or not, you’re not going anywhere.

To try and help ease our minds and to give people something to focus on, we put out a call for people to send us songs they were making while stuck at home under quarantine. We compiled all the songs and are happy to present to you DIM COMP Vol. 2: Quarantunes.

You’ll have to wait until Friday to hear everything, but today we’re giving you a little taste. We are happy to premiere Dead Tooth‘s “Reoccurring Nightmares.” A spooky, buy groovy track about zombie dreams.

The song takes off with an absolutely infectious (zombies, remember?) bass line, while the guitar flies around above, weaving in and out, washing over everything. The vocals have this sort of tone to them, we are being told a story, being warned about something we should certainly pay attention to. “I’ve got these reoccurring nightmares, where my family and friends, have all turned into zombies, and I’m running from them.”

Dead Tooth in his COVID nightmare

Maybe we should heed the warning, or maybe we should just turn the volume up and stare at the sky as the clouds pass by, because, despite the haunting subject of this song, there is a real dreamy (good dream) thing going on. Some Mark Bolan like cosmicness. Synths hang around between the verses giving you something to smile about while you picture your family trying to eat your brains.

The song wraps up with an instrumental that I just can’t get enough of, it’s one of those things that you have to rewind and listen to again and again. There are tons of high-pitched whirs, buzzes, and I don’t even know what else floating around the mix as the song jams and struts out to a close. It lifts you up and takes you somewhere else, and that’s something we all could use right now. I hope Dead Tooth does the score for my next nightmare, because regardless of what’s going on, at least I’ll be rocking out.

Stay tuned for the full release of DIM COMP Vol. 2: Quarantunes because like this song, it is a real heavy hitter. The album is loaded with new songs from your favorite artists and friends, and all the proceeds from this compilation are being donated to the Food Bank for New York City.